My daily readings 07/08/2011

    • The biggest problem I face is finding the initial set of users whom you can interact with to identify the product/market fit.

      Lets say your customers are small businesses.  – Do you cold call them about an online product/webapp? – Adwords is too expensive when you are not sure if there is demand for the product.

      Finding the first 100 customers who love your product is the hardest thing (or so it seems to me).

      I would love to hear stories on how you guys went about finding the initial set of customers.

      • 1) Big bloggers  2)App store 3)Extension store
  • tags: Sharing

    • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg punctuated his “awesome” announcement today by revealing that users are now publicly sharing around 4 billion “things” (status updates, images, etc) on Facebook a day.


      Zuckerberg explained that in accordance with Facebook’s data, social sharing functions exponentially, so that the amount of stuff you shared today is double the amount of stuff you shared a year ago and the stuff that you will share a year from now will be double the amount you’ve shared today. In Mark Zuckerberg’s Law of Social Sharing, Y = C *2^X — Where X is time, Y is what you will be sharing and C is a constant.

  • tags: Business card Sharing Location

    • Digital business card sharing isn’t really new but the idea of sharing your professional contact information with those who are in close proximity could be a compelling addition to any networking or business event. CardFlick could partner with event organizers to create a branded app for event participants to share their contact info.
  • tags: enterprise

    • Box also says roughly 60,000 businesses and 6 million users are using its services today.


      The startup recently raised $48 million in Series D funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Meritech Capital Partners, and Emergence Capital Partners, bringing its total capital raised to roughly $78 million. For your further reading pleasure:

  • tags: Startup seesmic

    • “If you don’t adapt, you die,” Loic Le Meur told me when he came into the TechCrunchTV studio last week. And Loic – aka monsieur Pivot – is certainly one of the Valley’s most skilled adaptors. Having founded Seesmic in 2008 as a video aggregation network, he then transformed it the next year into a popular consumer Twitter client before shifting it earlier this year into a Salesforce and Softbank backed enterprise CRM tool.
    • The pivot, of course, is the thing these days. And Le Meur – perhaps because of his skill as a wind surfer – is a master of sniffing changes in the business environment before anyone else. In contrast with Catarina Fake and Philip Kaplan, Le Meur is strongly opposed to what the calls “the disposable start-up.” For him, he has a moral obligation to his investors at Seesmic (which include Mike Arrington) to adapt the company to the new environment – even if that sometimes means transforming the company into something unrecognizable from its previous incarnation.
    • under Turkey’s idiosyncratic proportional representation system, this means the AKP now has 326 members in the 550-seat parliament, compared with 363 in 2002. But this decline
    • Anatolian Turks who form its power base. Life across many parts of central and eastern Turkey is incomparably better today than 20 years ago. In the election campaign Mr Erdogan promised major new public works to carry the momentum further. While other European politicians battle to avoid the blame for economic downturn
    • This is where admiration elides into apprehension. The AKP’s reward, it now hopes, will be the chance to rewrite Turkey’s constitution with an enhanced presidency (which Mr Erdogan is eyeing) and a diminished parliament and military. This may not be as easy as it seems. The AKP’s chances of achieving this goal are enhanced by Sunday’s vote. But half of Turkey’s voters remain opposed to the AKP, and the traditionally Kemalist army and courts are unreconciled too. The AKP’s lack of a two-thirds majority means that other parties – including the renewed Kemalist centre-left CHP, which increased its share of the vote by 5%, and the independent Kurds – will have to be consulted. These constraints matter, not least because of Mr Erdogan’s imperious ways, which include the jailing of journalists and a punitive approach to media organisations with the temerity to criticise him. There is much to admire, internally and internationally, about the new Turkey. But peaceful revolutions can overreach themselves too, and it is vital that Turkish society is able to place some limits around Mr Erdogan’s formidable ambitions.
    • 某些共识,但中国移动董秘对媒体表示,和苹果公司的谈判一直在继续,暂时还没有达成什么协议。
    • 世界网评论员陈轶群认为,中国移动目前推出3G版本的iPhone可能性很小。苹果对外观的追求可以说“永无止境”,如白色iPhone  4为了解决漏光问题
    •   亦有业内人士反映,用iPhone4在相关运营商的2G网络下打电话最近掉话率极高,通话质量也很差。对于中国移动而言,缓解2G流量压力苹果适时推出TD版iPhone迫在眉睫,目前TD网络覆盖比往年有了质的提升。
    • And sure enough, as of yesterday, is showing up as a referrer to TechCrunch — and yes, a big one despite us not actively using it to send out articles just yet (and again, the limited number of users).


    • Remarkably, StatCounter says that StumbleUpon now sends more traffic to sites than Facebook in the U.S. Meanwhile, LinkedIn is showing massive growth in terms of referrals (to TechCrunch, at least) — though, to be fair, their popular LinkedIn Today feature is powered by Twitter data (which again, Twitter doesn’t get the referral credit for at all).


    • by Twitter’s own Tweet
    • Meanwhile, posts like this one show Google already has a team working on a strategy for how brands and companies (like TechCrunch) can best facilitate sharing on Google+. They expect to begin testing this shortly — believe us, they’re rushing to get this done ASAP.


      The Google assault in this social sharing war is now well underway. They’ve failed in the past with Buzz, but Google+ is clearly much better than Buzz. And while the +1 Button on the web seems fairly useless right now, when they further tie it into G+, the sharing situation will get really interesting.

    • 中国3G标准TD-SCDMA的国际推广并不顺利,但这并不妨碍中国4G标准TD-LTE顺利挥剑国际舞台。“TD-LTE由于更廉价实惠,因此更容易被 海外国家接受。”中国移动(微博)一位技术专家如此向记者表示。据了解,目前中印日等国均开始积极部署TD-LTE。业界分析认为,在应用和技术的推动 下,TD-LTE在全球的发展将非常顺利。


    • 运营商迄今已有12家。中印日的3家运营商覆盖了全球39%的人口。预计上
    • 据悉,中国移动在全国7市试验TD-LTE时,印度运营商Bharti和日本软银在今年巴塞罗那通信展上宣布,今年底计划推出TD-LTE商用服务。此外,中国台湾第三大运营商远传电信(Far Eastone)已建立了一个TD-LTE实验室来筹备2011年6月19日从WiMAX向TD-LTE的转移。6月19日,Omantel加入了GTI(全球TD-LTE倡议)——成为中东第一家加入的运营商。
    • 在运营商积极推进下,目前全球有18家半导体企业和设备厂商已经对TD-LTE半导体进行了投资,远远超过了目前6家TD-SCDMA半导体厂商的数量。
       中国移动董事长王建宙表示,人们原以为3G可以发展很长周期,但数据爆炸增长,现有网络无法满足需求,LTE启动提前了。比如,2009年,瑞典运营商Telia Sonera率先宣布建成全球首个LTE网络,去年底美国Verzion开通了大规模的LTE商用网络。
    • 分为TD-LTE和FDD-LTE两种。至于为什么TD-LTE会领先于FDD-LTE?据业内人士介绍,FDD-LTE需要对称频段,而全球运营商频率普遍短缺。“TD频谱更廉价,亦更容易获得。”中国移动一位负责TD-LTE的工程师如此表示。
    • 升级或是谷歌大规模推广电子钱包服务的前奏。据网站Droid-life报道称,运营商Sprint的定制机三星Nexus S 4G很
    • 开始启用“钱包”服务(Google Wallet)的序幕。新系统将激活该手机NFC芯片中的安全功能,从而保证谷歌钱包的运行。另有报道称此次升级将在7
    • 信用卡支付企业达成合作。谷歌当时承诺在今
    • Late last week, WikiLeaks and DataCell gave me a copy of a legal complaint the group had planned to file Thursday with the European Union Commission, accusing the card companies and their Danish payment processor Teller of abusing their market positions by cutting off WikiLeaks’ financial sources.
    • “We choose to interpret this, as that Visa and Mastercard has in fact given in to our demand that the payment services was reinstated. In other words DataCell is happy to report that we are now able again to process donations to Wikileaks (and that we in general are able to receive payments via international Credit cards for DataCell’s professional services).”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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