My daily readings 12/23/2007

YouTube – Webcam + cardboard = joystick

Stevey’s Blog Rants: Math For Programmers

    Reading Comprehension Will Make You A Better Programmer : So Jake Says:  Annotated

    Writing is also hard, and you’ll find plenty of instances where the authors
    come up short. The burden is on you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
    you’re right and the author is wrong. If you’re not bending over backwards to
    try to say “well, maybe the author was using it in the context of..”, you’re not
    giving them much credit, and might not be putting enough thought into the
    process. When you find yourself saying “this code is awful!”, try thinking of
    how you would do it yourself. Sometimes you find that you come up with a better
    way than the author. Sometimes you’re led right back to the same solution as the

      This is where a programmer’s critical thinking skills will shine.

      Granted, it’s difficult to determine the ramifications of question such as,
      “What would the impact of using this non-standard syntax be if I made 300,000
      library users adopt it?”. However, thinking on such a big scale can only help
      you as a programmer, and the bigger you think, the more you help yourself.

        Granted, Feynman and Hamming weren’t reading the work of others, they were
        interpreting their own work. However, programming provides plenty of
        opportunities to ask yourself these kind of deep analytical questions. You just
        need to know the right questions to ask.

          Damn Cool Algorithms, Part 3: Anagram Trees – Nick’s blog  Annotated

          I hesitate to call this algorithm “damn cool”, since it’s something I invented*
          it myself, but I think it is rather cool, and it fits the theme of my
          algorithms posts, so here it is anyway.

          However, with a little more effort, and the above observation that we can
          generate a histogram that uniquely represents a given set of letters, we can
          generate a tree structure that makes looking up subset anagrams much more
          efficient. To build the tree, we follow this simple procedure:

            Mozilla Labs Blog » Blog Archive » Introducing Weave  Annotated

            We’ve developed some ial use
            that we’ll be exploring with Weave. To be clear, it’s not Mozilla’s
            intent to provide robust applications for, say, travel planning. We intend to
            provide the infrastructure and an consistent model for how a user can open up
            their browser metadata to friends and third-party applications. These use cases
            are just examples of the types of things we would like to explore, and have
            others build applications on top of.

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